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Manufacturing Forecasting
And Planning

As a manufacturer, having a 360-degree view of your production costs and inventory status is essential
for developing winning pricing strategies and minimising losses.


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inventory forecasting for manufacturing



How StockTrim can help Manufacturing
Businesses scale their operations

StockTrim forecasts demand for finished goods and converts this into a schedule of requirements to produce the final product, plus an order plan for all the required components & ingredients.
The automation can then produce purchase orders for items of dependent demand, accounting for different suppliers, locations and lead times. For example, in the case of a bicycle manufacturing business, the dependent demand items include aluminium pipes, guards, bells, screws, tires, seats, chains and graphics - even any packaging that is required to ship that final item.
Don't get caught short on essential components or order too much of the wrong materials for them to become obsolete.
manufacturing forecasting software
bill of materials software
Bill of Materials Drilldown

Drill down on any parent sku to forecast all component parts in StockTrim.

manufacturing inventory forecasting
Multi Locations

Plan stock level requirements in multiple locations, from one central inventory data source.

demand planning analysis
Detailed Demand Analysis

Drill down to see the underlying demand patterns and order quantity calculations so you can be confident in predictions and ordering the right amount.

Intuitive Order Plan
Intuitive Order Plan

Easily see how much you need to order right now, so that you don’t get caught short, or accidentally order too much. No more time consuming calculations with forecasts, current stock levels, and supplier lead times.

Variable Lead Times
Variable Lead Times

Configure your supplier lead time and recalculate the forecasts in real time to ensure you have enough to cover the time between placing orders and receiving your products.

Forecast New Products
Ability To Forecast New Products

StockTrim is unique in that it can even predict demand for new products without any sales history.

Customer Forecasts
Customer Forecasts

Forecast and predict your customers future requirements, and recommend order quantities to them.

Automated Purchasing
Automated Purchasing

Automatically create purchase orders, based on StockTrim's intelligent suggestions, and then either send them to your supplier, or send them back to your inventory system as part of a seamless workflow.

Re-order Schedule
Re-order Schedule

StockTrim will create a schedule of future stock levels, and future expected supplier order suggestions, at a customizable order frequency, to give you visibility about predicted upcoming orders, in addition to current order requirements. This allows you to make supplier orders in advance or give suppliers a heads up about upcoming requirements

Forecast Groups
Forecast Groups

Forecast the totals for any category, product range, or customizable group of products, so that you can easily assess the total trend per category, understand your total expected revenue per category. You can also manage the transition between discontinued products and their replacements, to forecast the order requirements for new products.



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What our Manufacturing Customers say




Shoreline Truck Parts

“We’ve had some conversations about feeling more confident about where we’re at and being ready for our busy summer season. StockTrim has been a big factor in helping us with that.”

Pave Tool

"Even just the dashboard laying out excess inventory is a huge thing that I’ve been wanting, trying to get our excess inventory down."

Phil Bahler

"Forecasting is extremely important - we were scaling up quickly. [You] don’t want to have a lot of money wrapped up in working capital. At the same time, you can’t go out of stock. It’s the perfect conundrum having the right amount of stock at the right time.!"

Angel Food

The options were to employ another person with more inventory planning experience, or find an inventory forecasting tool that could integrate with Cin7 and automate that part of the process. StockTrim filled the bill as it’s supported by Cin7, offers good value for money and “covers the basics really well".


What’s available through StockTrim now surpasses the tools and spreadsheets [we were using]. StockTrim looks at the finished product and number of assemblies and components. We can look at the individual product or item level to forecast 12 months ahead and can customise forecasts for each individual product.


“One data entry error when punching in the values in Excel had a detrimental impact on our ordering process.  With StockTrim, we have confidence in the accuracy of the information and insights that the software provides. The  transition from spreadsheet to StockTrim was  seamless and fool-proof.





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StockTrim in action?

Get in contact with one of our
representatives to get a demo today.

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